Welcome to Red Circle Games!
Welcome to Red Circle Games, an independent effort to gather my musings on Role Playing and Live Role Playing Games (RPG, LRP,LARP and LaRP). Regardless of the origin, be it International, Nordic, European, English.
There will be a mixture over time of system ideas, event concepts, scenarios and also more than a few observations on style, safety and general gaming.
One of the subjects I do intend to muse on is technology in gaming, no not video games and their spawn such as VR. But the part Virtual reality may play in RPG and LRP. How can GPS, RFID and such technologies be leveraged in the mediums of gaming.
On the subject of technology this site and blog are run on GitHUb with the aid of Jekyll Check out the Jekyll docs for more info on how to get the most out of Jekyll. File all bugs/feature requests at Jekyll’s GitHub repo. If you have questions, you can ask them on Jekyll Talk.