Scrivener as become the goto piece of software for aspiring writers over the last decade. The official site provides a really good overview of their product as the software as matured, so as the support [] (

One of the nicest features of Scrivener is the ability to use templates for various formats of books, be they Kindle, ePub, fiction or non-fiction etc. Obviously RPG is among these formats and that lends itself to LARP. A awesome starting template is which also exposes Scrivener to Git and Github a Version Control Repository platform, service and tool wildly used in software development, a discussion for another post.

I found the Bold and Nerdy blog post on the subject, which links to Ricardo Signes RPG Scrivener template (be aware the link is direct to the download) Here

Obviously a consideration with technology, writing and Scrivener is how you save your files! If you’re going to put hours into the work you should look to keep it safe. Backups the how, where and when to save your files, and a copy of them is a subject all of it’s own. But one of my intentions with this blog on gaming and tech was to discuss where and when the tech can help. Scrivener is how to write the work, but being fond of development practices Github is a way to save it. This as been discussed at length and Jamie Rubin provides a simple article on the subject. One thing to note for all budding writers is the nature of Git is to promote Open Source and as such if you need to protect your work, you should look to licensing and also a paid Github account which allows private repositories, should this work flow suit you that is.