“Suitable Props” it’s a conversation that I come back to. What makes a setting a setting, a Rogue character a Rogue, and game based in the world of say “Aliens”, “John Wick” or “Name of the Rose” things seem more real. A recent game run by friends in the world of Aliens was made by orange jump suits and suitable badges, that and a wealth of player created temporary prison tattoos to bring an Wutani corp colonial prison facility to life.

The idea of a John Wick LaRP game without a wealth of golden coins to collect and trade feel so far of the mark it screams that must be done, same as any Star Wars game will be hollow with out at least two storm trooper costumes(they are always in pairs). All the things mentioned are not props, some are costume, but thats a grey area, those two storm troopers may never be played by or play directly with players, but they’re iconic props in the background of scenes that by them self set the scene, same as a Wutani Corporate logo, or the colonial marine badges.

The same goes for a Thief of a Rogue, if i ask you as a Role Play Game player (RPG) what iconic item makes a Thief? the answer is thieves tools. A Warrior is their sword and armour, a paladin their symbol, a wizard their books, scrolls, and staff. But not all these are suitable props for LaRP, or not always in the form you wish.

Lets talk staffs, and banner poles. Staffs are weapons, disabled aids and generally magical focuses, they are also 4-6feet of steel, wood or other material. At a LaRP event the staff as a weapon needs to be constructed to the standards of the game, the represented material is irrelevant compared to the actual build. While the disability aid needs to be suitable for the job, the right material to provide support, it can be both a event safe weapon or an event safe prop that is not suitable as a weapon. Banner poles, well banner poles are for holding banners, they are not intended to be a weapon, not even a defensive one. But they can be again safe or unsafe props, it is the rules around their usage that govern their build and their usage.

This train of thought is what I wanted to discuss. When you consider safety, suitability, build and rules, these are what you need to think of, you can’t or won’t think of everything! But there should be a base to work from when you introduce props of this nature.

Props are awesome, don’t limit their inclusion but do govern their sensible usage and safety. My Arabian trader is more real for the Moroccan salt bags I carry, the shemag I wear authentically and the ritual knife in my belt, which is a LaRP safe knife with incredible decoration. While my bag contains, flat bread, Olives, herb bags for a smell and a set of metal picks in a roll so that I can actually open the authentic locks in the actual doors we encounter. The picks, are not and can not be used as weapons, the knife is and could so the difference and consideration is demonstrable. Just a thought for discussion.