“Lockdown tired out and stressed us all” is how i started the last post.. over 18 months ago. I had an itch and an idea, and some friends thankfully answered the call.

I meant to write more, I honestly did but I am not a blogger, I’ve tried over the years but consistent content creator is just not my thing. So here we are a year and a half or more later.

Winter brake is upon us so I’ll try again.

Go read these posts if you’re new here, or just want an idea what this is all about firstly Red Circle Games, secondly Thoughts on a new Campaign.

OK done, good now you’re almost a clued up as I am and probably have a better idea than I do! So what did we miss? Well firstly the OGL scandal you can read about that in a host of places, you don’t want my opinion on it, it’s too little and too late. But it does mean we now looking at new systems and old as alternatives for when the campaign ends. Ends? amusingly the last post was just before the beginning and now 21 months later, 10 levels of adventure for the players we are looking at the end. I better fill in the gaps I guess… But that will be other posts i intend to write, lets hope i do so.